

Trame di sangue grigio for orchestra First prize at the 2020 Macht Orchestral Composition Competition & first prize (tie) at the 2020 Virginia Carty deLillo Composition Competition (Completed in Baltimore, USA – 2018, rev.2019)Dismayed at the unending Syrian crisis, I dedicated this work to all the human blood poured on the sacrificial altar of power....

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dal nostro cupo sempreverde for fl, cl, vl, vc, hp, pf, perc Commissioned by Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte (Montepulciano, ITALY – 2021) The title plays with the verse “from our dark evergreen” in Rilke’s Duino Elegies. In Italian, pairing the words “dark” and “evergreen” leaves an interesting level of ambiguity. What is dark in human experience may...

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Three Songs f(or) a Loss Piano solo play_arrow pressioni [III] for solo piano In four movements (2023) – Duration 25′   pressioni [II] for solo piano In three movements (2022) – Duration 15′   Sinuous, Straight, Solar for soprano sax and piano Written for Tae Ho Hwang (Baltimore, USA – 2019) With this piece, I...

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Vent du soir ou l’horrible festin Opera buffa by Jacques Offenbach   Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Scuola di Musica di Fiesole (Florence, ITALY – 2016) A  reorchestration in a team of composers. 

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